Poverty: A Matter of Inconvenience for Folks Who Have More Important Things to Think About

In Experiences, Thoughts by JayLeave a Comment

I woke up as if from a dream when she spat that it was a matter of inconvenience, in an email of high importance, of course. Unbelieving of what I had read, I sat and mulled over the brief but fierce exchange of force glowing on my screen.

A person who I had previously thought of as generous and kind showed a side that left me gasping for breath at the breadth of the truth that it uncovered. Not just with the one that spoke but a global truth that had been waving to get my attention for years.

How it Happened

It had been a simple question asked in an apparent fit of naivete. I thought it was straightforward, but apparently not. The purpose was not to inconvenience. It was simply to help a third who had less, a huge amount almost starving with their family less that we could help using just a few moments of time.

But I was lectured that his demise was inconvenient and not allowed to affect business. That the one needing a hand was the only one that could be put out. As if starvation wasn’t enough of a nuisance, perhaps she thought it was a lifestyle choice like the waifs we are bombarded with in mainstream media.

I had never thought that was the answer to the crap in the world, but the more I thought, the more it made gruesome sense.

When it comes to helping out people, the environment, or, in fact, doing anything that is outside the ego, most just CAN NOT BE BOTHERED.

Oh, it gets dressed up as being inconvenient, and somehow, that makes it all right. But really, that is such a cop-out, and you know what’s even worse – I have spun the same line myself and felt fully justified and maybe even a tiny bit smug (okay, a lot).

Reach Out and Touch No-one

The world is a mess, and our egotistical private bubbles are not working for us in the developed world. Everyone thinks they are, but what is happening is that people are creating their safety islands that define their existence.

They want to be seen as helpful, giving, and compassionate, but when it really comes down to whether they are doing it to improve people’s lives or to look good and stroke their own identities.

Yes, this is a radical generalisation, I get that, but I am pissed. I look at the developing world around me – I mean at my doorstep and despair. I don’t get how as a world community, we are leaving so many behind.

Children are literally starving. I don’t mean the on posters to make you feel guilty kind. They are really starving – and if children are starving, then so is the rest of the community. Don’t just take my word for it. Look at the World Hunger Organisations statistics.

Bugga Inconvenience

Giving a helping hand is nothing to do with convenience and everything to do with need. In my experience, life going to crap is always inconvenient for the person going through it. So let’s be compassionate and understanding and stop leaving people behind just because helping them doesn’t suit us.

Have a look at what you are doing and decide – part of the change or a part of the stagnation? I know what I want my history to be.

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